Blogs > etc etc

Notes, comments and observations from the Lifestyle and Entertainment desk by Lifestyle Editor Aixa Torregrosa-Vazquez.

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Put the salt shaker away!

What's with salt these days ... people are fighting it, cities are fighting it .. and we should all join the fight against salty stuff. I now, we all like our chips and salsa .. but it is not good for us.
So please, here's a message to cookers, food producers and food establishments around the globe: lay off the salt. There's nothing worse than going out for a quick lunch, choose the healthiest soup in the menu and bam! it is sooooo salty! But I ate it because I did not want to loose my money -- am too nice, I should have asked for a refund.
Some things just need a pinch of salt, why do people insist in putting a lot of it in the food....

From The American Heart Association's Web site ( : The American Heart Association recommends that you choose and prepare foods with little or no salt to reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease. Aim to eat less than 1,500 mg of sodium per day.

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